Thursday 26 May 2011

GotConnection v0.2

There are a few changes and tweaks from v0.1 in this release. It was after a mini code review by my mate Will who had some suggestions on the connectivity testing which I have incorporated. I’ve also updated the way the options can be passed in to closer match the original way I wanted it to work.

Update to connectivity testing

Instead of specifying if you are connected or not this release has been updated to try and connect automatically and if no connection is available then use the in development settings. When you go live this can be turned off so if there is an issue with Twitter in a production environment it will return an empty string. This will need to tested for in the consuming code but a small price to pay for testing connectivity. This is driven by a configuration switch:

<add key="GotConnection.Twitter.InDevelopment" value="true" />

While testing the code the request for data from Twitter is relatively speedy so putting this functionality into a try/catch didn’t feel like a bad thing.

Update usage

The original plan was to allow the options to be specified with an anonymous object in much the same way in which you can override defaults in jQuery functions by passing in a json object. This release has now been updated to allow for this for the same options as in v0.1. I will look to expand to the rest of the Twitter API Timeline options in later releases.

Using default options:

GotConnection.ITwitter twitter = GotConnection.ConnectTo.Twitter();
var result = twitter.TimeLine("WestDiscGolf");

Specify options:

GotConnection.ITwitter twitter = GotConnection.ConnectTo.Twitter();
var result = twitter.TimeLine("WestDiscGolf", new { count = 5 });

Valid options:

format = Defines the format in which you want the result to return. The limitation is still currently only json for offline development; default = json.

count = Defines the number of status records to return in the call; default = 5

include_rts = Specifies if native retweets should be returned in the number of status updates returned; default = true.


The updated code can be found on github. As always any questions or suggestions then please let me know. Also if anyone does find this useful then please let me know if you’re using it and what for.

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